Haggadat HaPesah

Hebrew – Hard Cover

Haggadat Hapesah by Rabbi Avi Grossman is the first Haggada to be used at a seder with the Korban Pesach as the rightful centerpiece, and includes a remarkably familiar but updated text, simple instructions, and explanations regarding the practices that were once done at the seder and will, God willing, be renewed soon. Haggadat Hapesah is approved by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, and many other scholars. To purchase a copy, please send an email to avrohom.grossman@gmail.com or call 054-675-4962 during regular business hours.

Shipping within Israel: $2.50
Shipping to the US: $13.50

English – Soft Cover

The English edition of Haggadat Hapesah by Rabbi Avi Grossman is the first Haggada to be used at a seder with the Korban Pesach as the rightful centerpiece, and includes a remarkably familiar but updated text, simple instructions, and explanations regarding the practices that were once done at the seder and will, God willing, be renewed soon. Haggadat Hapesah is approved by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, and many other scholars. To purchase a copy, please send an email to avrohom.grossman@gmail.com or call 054-675-4962 during regular business hours.

Shipping to Israel: $2.50
Shipping to US: $13.50