Filed under sh’ma

Another Modern-Day Purim Tragedy

Another Modern-Day Purim Tragedy

Continuing with the idea of the relevance of Rupture and Reconstruction 20 years later, some years ago I wrote about this, which discusses phenomena symptomatic of our modern proclivities to monstrous stringency. Every year has its novelty. The incidental differences in halachic practice that developed in the Diaspora were inevitable; the question before us today … Continue reading

The Sanctuary of the Jewish Home, Part 1

The Sanctuary of the Jewish Home, Part 1

Where have we seen that our sages described female, Jewish High Priestesses? In regards to the matriarchs Sarah and Rebecca (Genesis 24:67): Isaac brought her to the tent of Sarah his mother, and he took Rebecca, and she became his wife, and he loved her. Isaac was comforted for [the loss of] his mother. To … Continue reading

Ashrei Without A Minyan

Ashrei Without A Minyan

It happens that often a quorum of ten men will gather for the afternoon prayers, but the tenth man will be a little later than the others. Now, in order to say qaddish and start the amida, the quorum of ten must be present, but what about for the introductory recitation of Psalm 145, usually known … Continue reading


I chose to start this blog so that I could share this information with those who would be interested to know the truth and those who may one want to discuss these matters further. My goal is not only to present the varying traditions, but also to attempt to prove why certain traditions may in … Continue reading